This year's entries to the IWGS New Waterlily Competition have been placed in the Fish Pool at the base of the terraces and are showing off their first blooms! These new hybrids will be on display through September, with peak bloom time occurring from mid-July to mid-August. Starting in July and continuing through the end of August, visitors to the Gardens will be able to vote for their favorite lilies in the third annual "People's Choice Awards". Votes can be cast using ballots available pond-side, or by visiting our website.
Here is a sneak peek of a few of the colorful hardy and tropical waterlilies vying for the Best New Waterlily of 2009. Come see them in person this summer, and let us know which lily you prefer!
I am a horticulturist specializing in aquatic plants at Sarah P. Duke Gardens in Durham, NC. In addition to working with a great group of staff and volunteers at Duke Gardens, I also enjoy writing. My articles have appeared in Ponds and Ponds USA magazines, as well as the Durham Herald Sun.
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